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Porks bike carbs and boost project

Gunna start on engine this week, jus been going thru bits n bobs, and realised there's numbers on the cam holders, is there a certain plane for each of them? Or can I bolt anything anywhere?

Yes I know I should of made a note of what went where :(
line bored neil
Gunna start on engine this week, jus been going thru bits n bobs, and realised there's numbers on the cam holders, is there a certain plane for each of them? Or can I bolt anything anywhere?

Yes I know I should of made a note of what went where :(
,line bored neil inlet 123 etc exh123 etc, arrows pointing at the chain :)
should be marked with a I or E followed by a number, I - inlet E exhaust starts with No.2 nearest the cam gears

[ edit- frank got in there first]
You the man frank, thanks.

Rebuild gunna have to be done later (for obvious reasons)

Jus gunna either use 2 gaskets, or get decomp plate, bolt it all up and have a go, see how it holds up.

Now I've popped an engine and know how easy it is to take out, it doesn't bother me, so ginna move on as quick as possible

Here's me dizzy, how do I lock in the advance? Do i take off all vac mechanism,
So shall I rip out vac stuff, take out weights and weld it in place with it fully advanced?
does the vac mech push and pull neil ? if it extends when you blow into the diaphram then you will get boost retard eh.
and you only need to lock the centrifugal bit underneath eh (strong springs or use wire or a tack of weld ?)
Leave the vac mech so you still have full vac advance at low revs/no boost. Rather than locking the centrifugal advance you're better of limiting its movement as per link I posted. :)
Still unsure what I'm gunna use, jus getting low down on what's involved.

Finished the mods to the intake manifold today


As you can see, had to file it a bit to fit, luckily there's quite a bit of metal left on the pipes



Couple of questions, what are each of these tubes for? The white plastic with 2 pipes, the pipe to the right of that and the grey plastic plug?

Two plastic tubes are for the carbon canistor evap system mate (no use to you just pull the hose off)

Pipe on the right of that is the return for the TB waxstat coolant pipe... you will need to bridge this with the pipe coming from the large metal coolant pipe that joins the water pump on the cylinder block.

Grey plug i think is the engine temp / coolant sensor.

PS i had to file some metal from the BoggBro manifold as well as id asked them to move the carbs over to clear / keep the brake servo.. never had a problem from it just a little fiddly.
I'll get you a list put together tonight :) I'm on the turbo build too. And the plenum build. So similar fittings to you so far really :)
Just remembered something important.

I'm missing the plate that goes between the engine and gearbox bell housing, anyone know what I'm on about? If so anyone got one?

I'm using the cg13 with the k10 g/box for now, but will get a k11 box in future, so would this plate fit if I got from a k11?
Well you've got a few to choose from :D its been a long day technical bits another time. Personally the cheaper clutches have always served me well but we use cc clutches 'competition clutch' on our evo :)
Theres a stock clutch i had fitted to my turbo engine which done unbelievably well. You want me to find the brand and let you know, maybe you could source a 1.0ltr one....
I need a cg10 flywheel! Can't move on without it :(


Also, what are each off these hoses, and which ones can I do without?


I've also gotta get a belt for water pump, there seems to be a tensioner missing, but think I remember frank not using his, what size?

Frank runs a loose belt to reduce parasitic loss iirc.
They all look like water pipes to me. If they're facing backwards I'd say heater matrix. Forward radiator the rest ive no idea :D
I know which ones are radiators, but no clue on the others, think the heater hoses come from the thermostat on the head, correct me if I'm wrong :D