Terms and rules

References below to the "MSC" and the "Club" should be taken at all times to mean "The Micra Sports Club". References below to "The Committee" and "The Chairman" should be taken to mean the "Micra Sports Club Committee" & "The Chairman of the Micra Sports Club".

Use of the forums

Whilst we attempt to edit or remove any messages containing inappropriate, sexually orientated, abusive, hateful, slanderous, or threatening material that could be considered invasive of a persons privacy, or which otherwise violate any kind of law, it is impossible for us to review every message posted on this discussion system. For this reason you acknowledge that all messages posted on this discussion system express the views and opinions of the original message author and not necessarily the views of the Micra Sports Club. Therefore we take no responsibility and cannot be held liable for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy and completeness of every message.

By registering on this discussion system you agree that you will not post any material which is knowingly false, inaccurate, abusive, hateful, harassing, sexually orientated, threatening or invasive of a person's privacy, or any other material which may violate any applicable laws.

Failure to comply with these rules may result in the termination of your account, account suspension, or permanent ban of access to these forums. Your IP Address is recorded with each post you make on this discussion system and is retrievable by the forum staff if need-be. You agree that we have the ability and right to view remove, edit, or lock any account or message, including from the private message system at any time without notice. You also agree that any information you enter on this discussion system is stored in a database, and that "cookies" are stored on your computer to save your login information.

All personal information provided to the MSC by its members is treated with the strictest confidence, and is controlled Under the Data Protection Act of 1998, No information shall be passed to any 3rd party at all unless required to do so by law.

Use of the Club

The MSC accepts no responsibility for any damage or fines incurred by members during any Club events or outings that member may participate in.

The actions of the MSC sponsors are not controlled by the MSC or the Committee. The MSC and Committee in no way accept responsibility or liability for a sponsor's actions.

Members and their guests are responsible for their own actions and attend Club events at their own risk.

Members and their guests are expected at all times during Club outings and events to conduct themselves in a sensible and safe manner. This includes obeying all relevant traffic rules and laws. Any exceptions from this may result in immediate removal of membership.

The safety of its' members during Club outings and events is the highest priority of the MSC. However, the Club accepts no responsibility for any accidents or injuries that may occur during any outings or events. Anyone who acts in a manner that jeopardises the safety of themselves or others will be asked to have no further participation in that event and will be dealt with in a disciplinary manner in accordance with the Club's Rules.

Disciplinary measures come into effect when a forum moderator or admin personnel find the actions of a member to be at odds with the above stated goals and aims of the club.

Warnings are issued in the form of a points scheme ranging from 10%. Once the disciplinary level reaches the indicated 100he member automatically receives a one week temporary ban. When a warning is issued the moderator or admin personnel will PM the member with an explanation of the warning / ban or leave a post in the relevant thread. The level of the warning issued to the member is at the discretion of the moderator/admin.

The Committee has the option to review disciplinary warnings and has the right to remove warnings or increase the level of the warning for any given offence. When warnings / bans are issued in extreme cases a copy of the thread will be kept in an admin archived forum for future reference. Further offences can/will result in immediate expulsion from the Club for a period of no less than two years. The MSC also reserves the right to immediately remove members without warning should the MSC consider this in extreme cases.

In addition to the above official disciplinary actions, the Club may at their discretion give a maximum of three (3) non binding warnings to any club member in regards to his/her actions/conduct. When the maximum number of discretionary warnings has been reached, the first official warning will be issued.

Committee members who find themselves subject to the above disciplinary measures shall be expelled from the Committee at the first written offence by the Chairman.

Under no circumstances are membership fees refundable.

The "Micra Sports Club" name and logo may not be reproduced in any shape, size or form without prior consent from the Club. Furthermore, use of the "Micra Sports Club" name and logo is the sole privilege of members of the Club.

The Club reserves the right to refuse or revoke membership immediately (without rebate) for anyone who fails to abide by or to accept the above terms and conditions.

These Terms and Conditions may be amended at any time. Members will be advised of any changes as soon as practical after the date of change.

By joining the forums or the MSC you accept that you have read, understood and agreed to all these conditions.
