my micra

got my micra last night
got outside in the rain this morning to snap a few piks:p


(my personal favrouite image that)^^^^^^^

^^^ still jealious of next doors 10 plate corsa they got when the 10 plate came out, still love me lil micra tho hehe
dont know how many i was alowed to upload so i only uploaded 3
after tilting my head sidewayes lol looked nice (Y) well done! oh and there is no real limit to uploading pics especially if your linking them from photobucket!
lol, just cricked my neck! thanks 777! looks like a very smart car mate! any plans to modify it?
nope not due to my age etc, just sat on driveway cuz i not passe dtest yet
after tilting my head sidewayes lol looked nice (Y) well done! oh and there is no real limit to uploading pics especially if your linking them from photobucket!
sorry about breaking ya necks, i thought i should try some different angles