Mighty Micra


Ex. Club Member
Some of you might have noticed it's been done, basically changing over host.

Have updated MM with few basics and have added list of stuff for sale by Wilsonian and soon myself.
Not adding new buttons for new guides yet as need a new template for them.

As usual new guides welcome and the survival of MM is down to you as I have no Micra and Paul will probebly be parting with his soon enough, we'll add what we can with the left over projects we have but after that if you guys don't supply then MM will remain as it is.

On a plus side I'm going to upload every Micra picture I have, and I have plenty, so if I post yours and you don't like it, say so and it's gone but it's nice to have a place with loads together.

There's kinda gallery section on MM now, basically every decent micra pic I've collected over the years
we are in the process of adding a new designed "garage" section where not only can you see our past and present cars but also members who have provided guides.

We will put a update on our my space page once we're ready to add new cars.
My light brow guide is in the K11 guides section, feel free to use that on your site, as the current link doesn't work :p

And, i believe you used my doorcard pictures, where's the thanks? :p

Also, can i have a gallery folder? :)
As mentioned Robert, we'll be sorting out the garage section soon as I want to move away from the Folder index system and get some thumb nails up etc (fingers crossed) :)
please feel free to use my CV joint replacement guide if you want, I think that I already sent it you anyway but can't be sure.
I'm getting back in the mood for doing some site coding so if anyone has suggestions on actual site improvements get me on MSN, it's goldstar0011 at hotmail.com

All those due the thank you, have another look

All those who want a gallery section, send me basically a car description etc and the pics and I'll do it
i can get a pic of my wald style grille if you want to add it too your 'grille guide' .... its unpainted and you can see the isapon and sanding etc,

il get one anyway and send yous it

great site

just looking through and seen my wee micra :)

still love it. some pics do nothing for it though.

its getting broken for parts at the end of next month.

im banned from trading on the forum , but will be on ebay and will link to them if allowed too of course