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Never ever do that :)

Oh and the wheels I need to bin are all steel wheels.

From memory I have

4x Toyota 14's
4x k11 13's
2x almera 13's
1x ford 14
4x weller 13's (2 are bent beyond repair)

Not to mention the alloys

4x bbs rg082 14's
1x BMW e30 bbs 14
4x almera 14's (on Charlie)
4x those white 15's
5x corsa Sri 15's (on the Astra)
2x slot mags 13's

My mum's getting annoyed with all the alloy wheels etc we have in the conservatory at trhe end of the garden and piled in the shed LOL

1x micra "15
4x Micra "16
3x Almera "16
2x Pug "15
2x pug "15 steels
7x Citroen "14
9?x wellers....

she may have a point actually :oops:

I have just realised how my tyre and wheel stock pile is quite bad... not as bad you two ,BUT I can no longer say anything about you or karl :D

I have;
10x 185/60-65/13 Tyres
6x 155-60-13 Tyres
10x Stock Micra Steels 13 inch
4x 13 inch flipped VW
4x Super S 13 inch
My list is longer now.... by one LOL
we just got another K12 "15 alloy for my mum :p
...although I missed the Space saver spare for the Almera in that list too :)
What alloys does your mum have Jen? Mine are Nissan 15's called, iirc, 'Onyx'.
Not sure what those are called but I like them on K12s :).

I prefer mine Guy :p
ETA: I actually like the March version...they look very much like my mums, but are 5 instead of 6 spoke ;)

Have you charged your cordless yet Karl?...or were you working today/night?
I saw that post too :p
...I did a mock up of mine with my wheels in black...looks gorgeous IMO ...but I'd prefer to have a couple more spare wheels before I start spraying 'em
don't wanna have to drive around with 3 black wheels and one silver/graphite one *facepalm*
Agree they look awesome Jen. I'd go metallic 'extremely dark grey', what they sometimes call charcoal, rather than full black. If you've got the dosh (I know I sure ain't :( ), I'd get them properly stripped and powder coated - would be alot more durable.
Agree they look awesome Jen. I'd go metallic 'extremely dark grey', what they sometimes call charcoal, rather than full black. If you've got the dosh (I know I sure ain't :( ), I'd get them properly stripped and powder coated - would be alot more durable.

True...but funds are currently....only outgoing, if you know what I mean <_<
...although I'm still happier out of a job than I was doing my job ^_^

Sorry Karl...hijacking your thread :p

ETA: I heard you the first time Ade LOL
No worries I don't use this thread for important things :)

Been busy with work and stress lol so not looked at car related stuff. Last night for a week tonight so watch this space :)

Picked up the front section of my exhaust and hooked that up, went to start the car and nothing :(

Turns out I didn't have enough petrol so will sort that tomorrow.

In other more successful news I've ripped the carpet out and broke my heater control thingy ma bob
I was looking at freeze spray but not sure how much I'd end up needing, could I use a heat gun or would it turn into a sticky mess?
Hammer and chisel it just cracks off like old paint :)
Never seen the floorpan of a k11.. I'm used to the k10. Yours seems squarerer (new word :p) than a k10 one and narrower
I really need some help

Put some petrol in and fired her up and still have the lumpy juddery mess of an engine.

On first fire up goes all the way to 4k, then drops to 500 rpm and is lumpy as fook.

It's not the fuel pump like first suspected as that's been changed to a known good one, I'm almost certain it's not a vac leak as all hoses are plumbed in.

Can anyone (who knows what they're talking about) help?
Ok had another go...

Still not right, though it did idle properly for 20-30 seconds lol

It's not the tps, I will round off the screws if I try to move it.

All of the connections are good, one earth needed tightening.

I'm starting to think it's something to do with the fuel system so will try my top feed injectors to rule that out.
I'd give all the connections a clean. Especially that earth. If tightening that up gave a temporary improvement it may well be that
Especially if its related to the fuel pump relay

Fuel pump relay clicks as it should, replace a split vac hose and.......

It's still shagged....

Is it possible I've screwed the timing up?