wipers parking wherever they feel like it!

My 97 micras front wipers are parking in any of three positions and squeal like crazy, I have also noticed there is alot of play in the passenger side. Any ideas on what I need to do to fix or what to replace.
Thanks in advance
Try and take the wiper assembly apart, clean and apply new grease at all joints.
You have to take of the wiper arms, and the plastic cover under the windscreen. 2 minute job. The rest is a bit more fiddly, but should be quite easy.
The reduced friction of the cleaned and lubricated wiper mechanism could actually make your wipers behave.

If this doesn't work, at least you'll have solved the squealing. And maybe other users have more ideas.


The joints wear out over time and the squeeling is normally down to the plastic joints rubbing and buckling under the weight of the mechanism. Sometimes it can be saved by cleaning and greasing them as Ulrich has suggested but I had to replace mine with a second hand unit off a low mileage car to get rid of it completely.

maybe the wiper motor position contacts r dirty n needs refreshing? the cover is riveted on, I just grind the rivet off, clean up the internals then bond the cover back on with gasket sealant and/or drill/tap some screwholes in place of the rivets