Driving Tired


Ex. Club Member
Ok driving around scared me yesterday, simply because I was so tired and had not slept enough.

Just flicking through some websites about it, they say that driving tired can be worse than being over the limit, if you havnt slept for 24 hours or so.

Its crazy though because I cant even remember some of the stuff I did yesterday, now I think about it I really did feel like I was drunk driving... dont try it!

it was a total of 34 hours from waking til sleeping :p

Thank god for red bull :laugh:
Accidents involving a driver that's fallen asleep tend to be worse than those with drink drivers, they usually happen at a higher speed because a sleeping driver doesn't brake, so on that note I would say that an exhausted driver is far worse than a drink driver especially on a motorway where driving gets monotonous.
Dont chance red bull and coffee to keep you going! There'l be a time it doesnt work
Iv been in a car where it almost didnt work.... scary to say the least, we were almost under the back of a lorry....

Edit - I wasnt driving!! :p
Like drink driving there is no excuse. You know if your too tired. Dont do it, because you may not be the only person you hurt/kill.
sonic said:
Accidents involving a driver that's fallen asleep tend to be worse than those with drink drivers, they usually happen at a higher speed because a sleeping driver doesn't brake, so on that note I would say that an exhausted driver is far worse than a drink driver especially on a motorway where driving gets monotonous.

Yeah I was just pottering around town in the morning. Have just come back from america and my body clock is a bit out hehe, I saw a milk cart and thought "whats that doing out at 6pm"??

Then realised it was 10am. :wasntme:

Just reading some of this research stuff, apparently its really bad within the first half our of waking up (think monday morning going to work) when you dont really switch on and concentrate...
Arnold said:
Dont chance red bull and coffee to keep you going! There'l be a time it doesnt work

The trouble with caffiene drinks is that it takes around 15 minutes to stimulate you, it only lasts for around 10 minutes then you come down with a crash, you end up more tired than you were before the drink, plus caffiene makes you edgy and prone to over reaction.
Turtle said:
Just reading some of this research stuff, apparently its really bad within the first half our of waking up (think monday morning going to work) when you dont really switch on and concentrate...

Really? I've already driven about 15 miles down a dual carriageway within 30 minutes of waking up. Maybe I should wake up sooner!!!

Good reading this.

I will admit to almost falling asleep at the wheel, had a "micro sleep" lasted only a few seconds, but it's amazing how far u travel on a motorway in a few seconds!!!! I was lucky nothing happened.

Has only happened to me that once, I will not drive completly exhausted ever again though!!!! So at least i learnt my lessn.
sonic said:

"Another associated problem concerning sleep inertia arises when people have to make immediate conscious decisions such as in emergency situations.
The effects of sleep inertia may be as bad as or worse than being legally drunk "

But in an emergency situation wouldn't the 'fight or flight' response take over and over-rule the sleep inertia ?

I guess that depends on the emergency, and wether its *your* life that depends on it. Or maybe it'd slow down your reaction time to a situation on the motorway...
ive driven tired before and i think we are all guilty of it at some stage. sometimes its un-avoidable and you just have to take regular brakes etc i dont think its like drink driving in the same respect as you dont really have control over when you get tired. however you do have control over when you drive but like i said sometimes there is no other option. i have never driven while i felt like i was going to drop off any moment but after a hard day at uni and the hour and a half drive back in rush hour traffic sometimes you cant help being kanckered. most of the time my concentration takes over and i dont feel tired anymore.
Having a rattly 15 year old car has its advantages! Must be much easier to fall asleep in a big quiet comfortable one.
lewic said:
Having a rattly 15 year old car has its advantages! Must be much easier to fall asleep in a big quiet comfortable one.

yeah good point actually, especially with cruise control these days... and mercedes new "brake control" thing, thats really worrying...

How long until the first mercedes is ploughed into a roundabout at 70 because the driver forgot he has to slow down sometimes!