would you?


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was in asda carpark yesterday when some guy pulled up beside me in a pale pink convertible smart car. after i'd had myself a bit of a chuckle at some guy in a blatant fag car, i went for a better look and he goes "i won it, i hate, fancy a swap?" i was like :| but now im kinda thinking balls, i could have got it, sold it to some complete air head and bought a 160 to shut ian up!

MANDA! i thought this thread was gonna be a pic of a sexy woman or something when i seen the title would you? lol - yeah u shud have, or just gave it to Ian lol
im disapointed too actually... doubly disapointed that we miss out on a photo of layla sitting in a pink smart car convertable :grinning:
first of all you only have to pay £100 to get replacement colour pannels for spmart cars :) they have hot swap pannels instead of paint and they go on the documents as black.

and i wouldn't have swapped it for my car but then i wouldn't swap my car for anything but if it was a stock micra then hell yea :) put it on ebay and buy more micras :D:D:D