While searching for the MSC


Micra K11ng
Well, i've just had to re-format the computer due to software issues (james knows!!), and now that i've got it back up and running i had to get my homepage set back to the MSC.
So - went to the tool bar, but unfortunally typed this.

Made me giggle anyway.

Note - This is a joke!! I don't want ANYONE taking this seriously!
Titch :kungfu:
micra.org said:
Welcome to www.micra.org, the home of Californians Allied for Patient Protection (CAPP). CAPP is the only broad-based organization of physicians, dentists, hospitals, nursing homes, doctor-owned liability carriers, nurses and other health care professionals whose sole purpose is to protect California's Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act (MICRA) from legal erosion.

Luverly! :)