Super Turbo Info Booklet and Specs

I have bought the original of this book from ebay off somone, is good to look at the pretty pictures :D has a dealer stamp on the back and everything
I thought i posted this up a while ago? might have meant to but never done it :D thought it might have been you selling it Baz but it was in norwich or somewhere
I thought i posted this up a while ago? might have meant to but never done it :D thought it might have been you selling it Baz but it was in norwich or somewhere

Not me I hav'nt really spent alot of time looking for stuff like that but would be cool to have !!!
i see there is a micra turbo and a super turbo

anyone got more info on the micra turbo :)

from what i can see it just had a turbo no super charger and had 75bhp so i would imagine this is a similar if not the same as the figaro?