Petrol pump keeps stopping every few seconds.

Hey folks, When filling my 2001 K11 micra up sometimes the petrol pump keeps cutting out every few seconds. Im not sure what the problem is if there is perhaps air stuck in the tank or fuel collecting inside the neck. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.
I think the general opinion is its a design fault, twisting the petrol pumps nozzle clockwise slightly usually sorts it out for me.

also best not to bother trying to fill at full speed :)
every micra has this problem.

basically the pipe to the fuel tank goes around the inside of the wheel arch towards the front end of the car.

push the petrol flap as far open as possible. if you are using the little holder inside the petrol flap to hold the cap then take it out.

point the end of the pump at 45 degrees between the front of the car and the floor.

like this: front of the car---> /

it will fill up much easier, just don't forget your filler cap
how can you lose the petrol cap? theres a holder for it where you open the little shutter. lol it does have one on mine.
It only seems to happen to me at BP Stations...all others seem to be ok lol

Don't go to BP then!

I have found the at some stations you have this problem and at others it is fine. I think the older pumps the go a bit slower are better.

But these days I just put the pump in on a slight angle that seems to keep it smooth.

I remember the first time I tried to fill my car up! I only got £10 in because I couldn't figure out what was going wrong and I just got embarrassed and drove away. (paid first of course!)
also if you don't push the nossle all the way in it works a bit better. basically you are trying to stop the petrol bouncing back off anything, so the more open the route the better it will run....