painting bumper

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Ex. Club Member
hi guys i need some advise on how to paint a bumper. the bumper is gonna be painted allready but not in the colour i want. so do i wet and dry it and some plastic primer if theres any bits that are showing the skin of the bumper then spray it with the colour and give it atleast three coats, then give it a coat ov primer then give it 24hours to dry?
look for any dammage on it first--------deal with that with plastic filler making sure you get a good key up on it first (rub it with 180 grade sand paper before the plastic filler goes on but dont rub the 180 paper anywhere apart from were the damage is --- you can protect other areas with masking paper while you have to do the rubbing for keying and when you level it to the surrounding area of bumper
dont put to much filler as the rubbing down takes longer
once thats level you can fill up the scratches the sand paper made with filler primer (if i remember correctly) you then rub that down with wet and dry paper until all is smooth and level to its surrounding while you do that the same wet and dry is used to key up the rest of the bumper to get a good bond to the paint
keep any dirt grit of your bumper by rinsing it with water regularly once all is wet and dryd - dry up the bumper(no water or moistnes) you would need to see if the color going on is light or dark light meaning that youd need to have the bumper all one shade reason being that dark colors will show through your lighter finished one erm eh mmmm plastic primer next so paint wont flake of a few months later------so to make things easyer spray the bumper with a base coat color to get it all one shade let that dry but not fully as the next paint layer likes sticking to something and like you said base color three to four coats giving it 5-10 mins in between coats so it does not start running down thats all---unless it is a base coat meaning that it would need the laquer finish which also takes 3-4 coats oh and do it somwhere at room temp at least
oh and if i messed this advice up MY DAM CATS BUGGIN ME TO HECK I HAVE LET IT OUT THREE TIMES NOW AND STILL ITS BUGGING ME AAAAAAAAAA!!! let us know if i missed something

coming from someone whos done bodywork in the passed.

Rub it down with 340. if you use a to course grade u will see it in the primer and there fore the paint. unless you use loads of primer which isnt needed if done correct

on the filling use 120 - 180 grit to rub it down, in a circular motion. ( use a rubber block, if you use fingers u put minor marks in filler...) if you need to use your hand, use your palm.

Use panel wipe ( i got 5L from local paint suppliers for 12quid) after panel wipes use a tack cloth to get any small particles off. ( panel wipe is better than water as its hydroscopic, which means drys in the air.)

after primering, flat it down with a scotch bright pad (old trick), you can also spray satin black on and flat it till its all gone and uve got a nice smooth finish on the primer. can also use wet and dry, use it wet though, as it clogs the paper dry. can also use a scotch bright then use 1200 - 1500 if your really going for a exceptional finish.

the drying times of paint is around 10 minutes inbetween coats with a decent heated place.

if you need to know anything else...feel free to add me on msn [email protected]
thanks for the replies welly some good information there, that will keep me busy (Y)
Manny, if you want... bring me the front bumper and the grill and ill do you them cheap cheap.

thanks for your offer welly. im gonna get it done for a good price. so maybe next time mate. ill keep in mind. (Y)
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