My own Micra burnout!

nice one, next time put some "chucks" under the rear wheels so it stays still and as goldstar said.. pop em hehehehe. :)
I'm definately 5spd lol... I wouldn't dream of driving automatic lol... It's damn hard to get that car to spin from stand-still lol... Probably just cause my clutch is crazy old too haha... Rolling back makes it MUCH easier to overcome friction grr None the less, I definately wasn't expecting much out of my car, it really quite surprised me hehe. New (to me) wheels are on there now with beautiful black, clean rims... Very sexy... I'll post some pics later :)
lol you shouldnt need to roll back give it about 3.5k rpm dump the clutch with the hand brake as high as you can and she will spin
My clutch definitely wouldn't enjoy it lol... I guarantee you the clutch would slip to much and it would stall :down: Rolling back gave me a bit more room too hehe... I've still got the tires... I think I'll buy an impact gun for my dad's compressor, swap them over and mess around a bit hehe... If I do, I'll definitely make more videos grr