Is there a problem with my VIN!

So I have researched how to decode the VIN. My first three letters, SJN, are fine, SJ for England and N for Nissan.

Rest seems fine until I get to the 10th character which is meant to be the model year. Mine is U, which all the sites including wikipedia I have checked say is not used for the model year. So why do I have a U?

Furthermore, I have checked the checksum for the 9th character. After doing the formula it comes out as 9, but in reality the 9th character on my VIN is 1, so the checksum doesn't match! I have double checked my calculation.

Can anyone explain this? It makes no sense.
Have to agree, so long as the car's taxed and MOT'd, it seems like introspecting for the sake of introspecting...
Well it's just bugging me that when using the proper formula for the checksum, it doesn't match the checksum in my VIN. Just wondered if anyone had some info on that and also why despite U not supposed to be used for model year, it is on mine.