Car Unlcoking Itself...!?

Ok so basically i locked my car last night, messed about for a bit then as i headed to bed went to get my phone from my car, walk up and i pull the handle and it opens, Play it off as i forgot to lock it, Get phone and double check i lock it all is well :)

Wake up this morning and its sitting unlocked =/

Key buttons doent work so it isnt me sitting on it im always using the key and it is Central Locking, Any ideas what it could be?

Cheers Steve :)

EDIT: Dat Thread Title Fail!!
Anyone? Kinda important as i kinda want to go places and would like to be able to leave my car for more than 2 minutes haha
try take the door panel off and have a look when you turn the key at whats going on. maybe just something moved slightly
Cant get the door card off, Iv got electric windows and i have undon the screw just below them, but i dont know what i need to take off next, dont want to pry something off and have it break =/
then it pops of, starting from the bottom end. hold from pocket and pull sharply'ishk. check for all screws first.
unplug electrics then plastic cover(try n save this!)