what ???? hurricane extractor

Paul Smith

Site Supporter
Hi just a quick one i have been reading cisco micra files and a few times they have mentioned hurricane extractors has anyone got any pics???? or know what this is?
yeah, but same with stuff in Japan...certain parts for micra over there £50 over here, more than a £100 (thats buying same/similar here, not importing :) )
Yeah i had a look around ciscos site and it looks as though the manufacturer modded a few to work with aircon, but now only stock the non A/C ones :(
if you really want a +aircon one, id suggest you have a good search around japanese micra tuning supplier sites...as they sell alot of them over there. As always its shipping that'll be the big bit...the rest id say should be fairly easy to sort out. :)

......or get a custom one made up.