TOST - The Official Spam Thread

[quote="h701micra, post: 638059, member: 10465"
I blame you :D anddddd I could hear you all the time then I couldn't when Alex left.... so I blame him :/[/quote]

No idea who banded them. They were banded many years ago and were even involved in a crash where the lad unfortunately died.

History, man :)

I spoke to AC as I heard good things beforehand.
Wow :O
Does that not bother you knowing that? That would put me right off.

'Sent from my bed using paper planes'
Well. There we go, that explains that.

'Sent from my bed using paper planes'
Is there an app where I can leave my iPad at home in a place whilst recording a video, then watch it live from my iPhone?

Wanna see what my dog gets up to in the day
Haha, yeah!

How would I do that? Can I do it with my iPad/phone or would I need another camera?

What bout laptop left open with the built in camera?

Know which app?

I've not done it, I doubt it's difficult. See what Google throws up.

You could set it to record for the entire day then skip through when you're home.

Keep the recording device inconspicuous. I did this to my dog and she wised up to the camera ;)

But the footage when it was hidden was golden :D
Anyone happen to have any March/March SuperTurbo advert pictures hanging around do they? Helping a friend with his media project and It needs moar JDM
I have so far:

1 Original fat PS3 60GB with media card reader. Increasingly rare.
2 slim PS2
1 fat PS2
2 fat PS1, one of which is chipped.
1 Ninteno NES

Gameboy Color somewhere..

I have an older Gameboy, not too old though. I have an Xbox 360, which I need live for again, however I won't be able to afford it for a while with insurance and what not.
iPhone 5, amazing gaming platform ;)
That's a good collection though :O
I doubt many people on here could top that.
I have an older Gameboy, not too old though. I have an Xbox 360, which I need live for again, however I won't be able to afford it for a while with insurance and what not.
iPhone 5, amazing gaming platform ;)
That's a good collection though :O
I doubt many people on here could top that.
It's pretty average. I've collected most as I've grown up.

The Atari 2600 is next on my list to acquire :)

The chipped PS1 is very fun :) I love PS1 games.
MegaDrives were 16bit innit

Unless you have the 32X addon? Steaming pile of .. ;)
Dont think so. Pretty sure it says 32bit on it... its been like 20year since I've looked at it

Edit: Seen a picture ... definitely 16bit :D... them 32x things look ridiculous
Goes to show that if you wantef more you could just plug it in... these days you have to upgrade to another £3/400 console
Back in the day, console developers started using "bits" as a way to sell their consoles :)

But as well all know, bits means very little in regards to performance