Tips and advice please :D


Ex. Club Member
hi all, well i bought bods sideskirts at the weekend and seein how there red and my car aint thought it was time to buy a compressor to spray em, iv done quite a bit spraying and now can get pretty good finish using a can, done a spoiler for a mate the other week and he was well impressed with the resuly as was i! now i havent got the first idea where to start when painting using a compressor so thought id look to some of you more in the know people to drop some knowledge! :)

here is the spec of my compressor,
oil less
24 litres
8 bar max

as i say i know nowt about this so any advice/tips/knowledge no matter how trivial are more than welcome
cheers, dave
First of all what spray gun do you have and what paint are you hoping to use.
i was thinking of getting something like this spray gun now i obviously know this aint gona be the greatest cus of the price but will it be totally useless and unuseable, also if youve got any suggestions, i only really wana pay bout £60 tops for a gun for now, as for paint i duno. i have, as i said, only painted with cans i was just gona go to my local paint supplier and ask what i need, once again help with this would be good.
as i said in my first post im pretty clueless with this, and this post just proves it :blush: