The Simpsons movie


Ex. Club Member
I have just watched it an I must say it is the funniest movie I have seen all year.
Despite the total lack of any apparent storyline I found it highly entertaining.
When other people have seen it I wanna hear your comments.
Just got back in from watching it. Have to say it was good, but not as good as I think it could have been. I found myself smiling all the way through, but not really side-splittingly funny. Some clever references in there to current affairs though.
Yeah I didn't find it laugh out loud funny, I thought the spider-pig bit was the highlight, or the naked skateboard scene.
i am not a simpsons fan but my friend insisting on paying for my ticket, the thing is why cant the film maker make the film's graphics a bit more shrek - toy story like? it gives me the impression it is something you can watch on skyone and now you have to pay for it...:down:
i am not a simpsons fan but my friend insisting on paying for my ticket, the thing is why cant the film maker make the film's graphics a bit more shrek - toy story like? it gives me the impression it is something you can watch on skyone and now you have to pay for it...:down:
I read an interview with Matt Groening and he said he wanted it the complete opposite of Toy Story and Shrek etc as no one makes cartoons by hand any more.

Found it on BBC News:
BBC News said:
Speaking at a press launch in central London, he said The Simpsons Movie was "a tribute to the art of hand-drawn animation, which is basically disappearing".
"All the animated movies these days are computer generated," he said, adding that his film had been created in "the old-fashioned, clumsy, 'erase it if you don't do it right' way".
"It's not a CGI movie with a thousand perfect penguins dancing in unison," he continued - a reference to Happy Feet, the winner of this year's Oscar for best animated feature.
spider pig, spider pig, does whatever a spider pig does.
can he swing from a web? no he cant, hes a pig...
LOOK OUT here comes the spider pig....!!!


and we saw Barts Doodle......who would have thaught? and Homer swearing? good god.
I couldn't help thinking the story line could have fitted in a half an hour episode, it was a bit lame really, and the lines from random characters just weren't as snappy.... particularly comic book guy.