temperature guage sender unit



Hi All,

Can you please tell me where the temperature guage sender unit is. I suspect its under the distributer looking at the engine (1.0L), but too dark to properly see.

Guage not working at all, so will check sender unit wiring first.

Can you check these in any way to see if the sender is working ??


The temp sensor is under the dizzy, its the one with the plug attached to it. There is also a wire with a spade connector on it, this is the control wire for the gauge, check this as well.

To get the temp sensor off use a long socket (10mm i think) and you will be best off removing all the wiring off the dizzy, removing the battery and moving the fuse boxes as well. Small hands will help as well. The easiest way of removing the temp sensor is to take the dizzy out but i dont bother as the hassle of refitting and resetting up is more time consuming than its worth.
