swapping radio for CD



Just joined, so hello to all.
I'm the proud owner of a Micra 02, nothing special about that I s'pose, except that it's the first car I've owned that I didn't need to change the 'timing belt' or get an MOT before I taxed it.
It's also the first car that I've hesitated before ripping out the radio/casette and installed my own JVC CD player, the reason I'm told is that a Nissan CD player has to be fitted to maintain the NATS loop, otherwise it causes the car security to malfunction. Is this true?
I removed the JVC CD player from my previous car (now scrapped) with the intention of re-fitting it to my next MoMo and I'd be a little disappointed if it can't be installed in the Micra and ends up on a car-boot stall.
I'd be grateful for your advice on this.

I've no idea if there's a difference between ur Micra and my 1996 one but in mine the OE radio/cassette just had a bog standard code in it, I took it out and stuck the new (cheaparsed Maplin) radio/CD in without the slightest thought about the NATS and everything seems to work fine. If u've never put a radio in a Micra before u're in for a lot of fun (and DIY) :D The only way I found to mount mine was to take the brackets off the side of the stock radio and screw them into some random threaded holes (half as many as the bracket was intended for:D) in the side of the new one... it was a total botch and bore no resemblance to the way the thing was intended to be mounted but it works fine, I also had to trim some bits of metal off it to stop it fouling the facia panel. Don't forget the obvious stuff, namely the aerial and wiring harness adapters.
sort of what I expected

Thanks for the reply. I'll give it a go and if any problems I can always put it back, I've got the code for the radio.
thanks again
Oh yeah, just to shed more light on my mounting technique- my radio came with a cage thing (into which the radio slots) that u jam into the radio slot... which of course doesn't exist in Micra's, it's just a void between the heater control unit and the ducts. I solved the problem of mounting this device by throwing it in the bin.