Suicide isnt painless.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Hey y'all.
Just heard some terrible news. My neighbour shot himself yesterday evening. I known him and his family for maybe a decade. Not much to say but he was an awesome bloke and a fantastic father.

The MASH theme song "Suicide is painless", is such a joke. Suicide is horribly painful on the people that care about and love you.

Just want everyone that might be depressed or anyone that gets down sometimes that there is people out there that do care and help is VERY easy to get. Ive been down that road and pulled thru so i guess anyone can.

Sorry to start such a sombre thread but well, depression isnt something that should be kept in the dark.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Sorry to hear that mate. That's a massive shame.

Yeah its really tragic when someone feels that they need to take things to that level. Nothing's worth doing that over.

Agree with what you have said.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Mate that is terrible news.

When I was 17, one of my brothers gassed himself in his car (a K10 Micra). without a doubt the worst experience of my life so far

In my opinion suicide is the ultimate sign of selfishness, sure it gets rid of all your personal problems, but it just dumps them onto the people that love you.

Always look on the bright side of life:)



» CMF Member
Member since:
Unfortunately, depression can overcome one's awareness of other people's feelings, hence selfishness presides. Sometimes a person can feel that suicide is the only solution, they are numb to the pain that they can cause their family and loved ones. Sometimes there isn't a bright side to their life, if there was, they wouldn't be in their predicament. It is sad to think that in this day and age, folk feel that there is no support or comfort out there, everyone is too busy getting on with their stuff to take time out and lend an ear.


» CMF Member
Member since:
And the people who are willing to lend an ear charging the earth for it isnt helping the cause either. :(

It doesnt help that in australia people generally frown upon mental conditions. They refuse to believe that such conditions can exist. Alot of people see it as attention seeking/load of bullcrap. Its sad.


» CMF Member
Member since:
Someone close to me suffers from depression and sometimes its very hard for me to, in a sense, put up with it. But I couldn't imagine my life without them so I take every opportunity to help that I can.

And as Tom said, the specialists are charging too much for what I and many others see as a vital care service. The cost of medications are also through the roof...

Its a lose-lose situation as far as the sufferers think, but there's always someone who wants to listen and help :)



» CMF Member
Member since:
Alot of anti-depressant meds are handed out in WA, without much thought from doctors. Its pretty bad. But anyway, for a cheap phone call + a friendly chat. for a bit more on the topic.

Both are supported and partially funded by our government which is a good step, but advertising on the matter has been VERY minimal. If they think word of mout is enough, it wont work with the stigma about depression too! :/

I got thru it by admitting, then looking for help. Didnt know about these sites/phone numbers tho!!!