squeaky clutch pedal


» CMF Member
Member since:
Anyone here had this problem before? Have you fixed it? I have always had a squeaky clutch pedal but over the last year its gotten worse and is now driving me mad. I tryed lubing it using silicon spray without luck. Almost seems to be the spring making the noisy but its hard to get a good look at it under the dash. I would love to take it out and give it a good clean and lube but that is going to mean taking the dash out I am guessing.


» CMF Member
Member since:
it is the spring, i have the same problem with the AE86. it comes from the bare metal spring coming in contact with the painted pedal stalk.
eventually the paint wears away and it smoothes out and stops sqeaking.

using silicon spray you need heaps (and can be barstid to get in the right spot) and often has to be re-applied.


» CMF Member
Member since:
The silicon spray has not fixed it so far and trying to get under the dash is a pain in the ass. I was thinking maybe I should try cleaning off all the old grease on it from when new and then trying again with the silicon.