Someones car been hit at work


Ex. Club Member
How gutted would you be if you come back to your car to see this?

The place I work has limited car park spaces so some people have to park on the road but is used by loads of lorries and trucks who honetsly don't seem to care about anyones safety let alone someones car.

She got the details is is dealing with the lorries company.

from what i know it was rear end of a truck, i know she got the details of the comapny, not how, someone may have got it for her or lorry may have stopped
That's terrible! The lorry driver must have been going at some speed to do that much damage. I assume the driver stopped?

That looks almost like a writeoff to me, especially with the "special" situation MG/Rover owners face with their company not really existing any more :(

Edit: Seems most my q's were answered in your previous post.
I KNOW EXACTLY how thats happened!!!!!!.. I driving a flatbed transit van once and this WAITROSE wagon decided to turn next to me...

What it is.. they underestimate the 'swing' of the overhang of the trailer when turning sharply and end up 'creaseing' a car with the VERY back left/right corner of the trailer...

Fair enough they are very hard things to drive and the driver would have been at least 40ft away looking at mirrors to judge the distance... the damage to the transit van was EXACTLY the same....

this wasn't a high speed impact... its the sheer weight of the wagon that just cuts into the car..... 3/4 mph max....

unfortunate thing is... he would of just been just a few inches too close
Well, as for poor woman, it belongs to someone I used to work with at a bank, couldn't stand her, proper lazy and abused her position, now she works for same company as I left bank for, dam.

oh well, unlucky her
harsh man, bad days!! MG are bringin a new car out in december and parts are still made for them by CAT. looks like a write off tho, you know what insurance companys are like
Well that is a shock, poor car!!!

At the end of the day tho it's illegal to park on the path, y didn't she park on the grass!!!
I hated coming back to my car to see a scratch, to see that would be devastating!