saxo with rb26!

2.6 Twin turbo with Nos, and it apparently takes 6 seconds to do 0-60!!

Impressed by the fact that its in (if it's in) but those performance figures aren't all that impressive at all!! especially if it outputs over 300bhp.
6.0 seconds with A RB26 even if it was standard it would be faster than that considering the weight of the saxo. but with the chip and nos you would thin at least mid 5's. plus you have the whole 4 wheels drive conversion and if hes kept it front wheel drive how the feck has he done it. and how you could fit a 2.6 in a saxo engine bay unless hes put it in the back which then leads on to how hes made it rear wheel drive and what parts he hsa used. The fact hes not taken any pics of the engine seems quite fishy to me considering this a engineering feat (if its true). to be honest im doubtfull thats he telling the truth. hopefully i can be proves wrong coz it would be awsome if its true.
there would only be 1 way to get in in ther would be to mid mount it and fit it with a maxima gear box as thiss will fit in the boot of a micra my orignal plan for my rb25 b4 i got my 200sx
the engine aint in the back, ifu look atone of the pics u can see the headrests, some ppl think we're so thick, that car would be **** of a shovel with that engine in, my nans chariot of fire can do 0-60 in 6 seconds...did i mention my nans chariot has a skyline engine in it...what a **** he is ha
yeah i also think if he had a skyline engine in it he would have took some fotos of it rather than the outside of the
This made me laugh. Why would anybody say they have something they clearly don't.

For a start there is no way the RB26 would fit in a Saxo (The GTR's bonnet is that long for a reason!). Secondly, my Stage 1 GTR gives 400bhp, so how are they only getting 345 from a 'Stage 3 chipset', 'Stage 2 Nos' and less than half the weight of the GTR? And not that I need to go on, but 6 second 0-60? A standard GTR does it in less that 5.5 seconds. I think mine is about 4.6 seconds.

Maybe they've had to cut the engine in half to fit it into the Saxo? That would explain the power figures.

At least if you're going to make this stuff up, you could try and get a good guess at the figures, or try and make it sound at least possible.

REVELATION! maybe he keeps the engine in a trailor that he towes, and theres a drive train from the engine in the trailer that runs the length of the car to the front wheels, and because this is clearly illegal he has to spray paint the trailor and engine in a paint that makes it invisible, so obviously he cant take pictures of the engine bay or the trailer.... see, problem solved, so its isnt a blag after all......NUFF SAID!

oh and the 0-60 figuers are because its a **** gear box and has massive i win
Such a blatant wind-up.
Also, with all that gear on the engine he would be looking at more than 340 brake
this doesnt even need a discusion any one even saying it wont fit to do it you need to do this blah blah blah is also stupid......
It doesnt fit never will and a saxo owner isnt going to spend the money doing it.. also the whole "Stage 4 chip" it winds me up so much (like nails on a chalk board) when people say stage 3 exhaust stage 4 coke can holder FFS its like a frigin computer game!! i can understand companies grouping together a bunch of parts into a tunning package but nothing else is like that!! its either had a re-map or it hasent!! or its got an exhuast or it hasnt or its got ££BHP shot o nitrous or it hasnt!!

in my opinion this thread needs locking and sending to the pit of oblivion as no one should really care if some idiot says his saxo has a skyline engine in!!