Rear Strut Brace

I will just have to buy one brand new then lol, theres no hurry i jus want one to attatch my harnesses to as the eyelet bolt through where the rear seat buckles goes makes a rattling noise and its driving me mad lol
the one i have, (strut tops) i deffinately wouldnt trust the seat belts to...

i would have one made for the rear "hatch" section across the window height seatbelt mounts...
its not that, i just wouldn't like to see what happens to the strut tops when two fully grown adults get flung forward at 40+G in the event of an accident.
i ended up making mine...easy enough to do, but id also be wary about trusting them in an accident. Though on the upside i do have a lovely bracket for a picnic table lol :D...