petition to lower fuel duty

About £1.06 down here. I'm sure i signed one of these before, but nothing changed..
I think we should start a Petition to get rid of the current Prime minister who is a Communist supporter. Whilst this country is supposedly a democratic country i'm disgusted at Brown giving China £50 million of Tax payers money.
As for lowering the Duty, we've about as much chance of getting it lowered as Kevin keegan winning the Championship this ain't gonna happen.

Anyway, enjoy it while you can afford it...go on indulge yourself....
The current cost is unsustainable to the average family. I myself drive 60 miles per day to work and home again and can not maintain this level of spending (even in our current diesel car) The fuel prices in the UK are simply ridiculous the fault in this case does not lay with the fuel companies it is completely the governments over taxing the hard working people in the United Kingdom.

Harsh I know but this guy should move nearer his job. Driving miles to a fixed point of work is crazy for time, congestion and environmental reasons.
Give up now! It won't make a difference!

Marching for no Iraq war resulted in an Iraq war.

Public sector workers going on strike to appeal for inflation-related pay resulted in public sector workers getting below-inflation pay.

Signing this petition against a rise in fuel prices will result in a rise in fuel prices!

C'est la vie. Look out for the next Great Depression! Save up your money in your mattress, not your bank, and invest in pork belly :grinning:
We get taxed too much as it on our wages, petrol etc where as In the states I dont think they pay tax on there wages, you just have to add tax on to goods you buy, maybe Im not 100% correct.

uk living standards have now outstripped america,s for the first time since the 1800,s
the grass always looks greener........
What we need to so is get rid of the government.
The greedy #######s tax my employer for paying me, then tax me for earning the money, if I'm smart enough to save it I get taxed for that and if I spend it I get VAT'd. Then if I'm nice enough to leave it to my kids they get inheritance tax. So that one piece of money has been taxed 5 times and for what? I get nothing back.
I am under 18 so can't sign on for job seekers allowance atm but I'm old enough to pay tax.
What a joke.
End rant
What we need to so is get rid of the government.
The greedy #######s tax my employer for paying me, then tax me for earning the money, if I'm smart enough to save it I get taxed for that and if I spend it I get VAT'd. Then if I'm nice enough to leave it to my kids they get inheritance tax. So that one piece of money has been taxed 5 times and for what? I get nothing back.
I am under 18 so can't sign on for job seekers allowance atm but I'm old enough to pay tax.
What a joke.
End rant

While I appreciate that we pay a lot of tax...

Your forgetting the medical service you will receive regardless of how mashed up you manage to get. The good condition our roads are kept in for us to drive on. The refuse service. Education service, which everyone is entitled to. The list goes on.

I'm not saying its all spent in the right places, and that the current government is great, or anything like that... but simply that lots of other countries have it much worse.

As for the petition, I've signed it but I doubt it will do anything. :unclesam:
This and every other Gov't like to take you to the edge of poverty..they think that it's ok to put pressure on the people who pay to keep this sorry country running. If i ran my affairs like the Gov't does then i think i would've been on the street by now.......i can't see what the problem is of collecting money and distributing it across the board so that everyone benefits. We could have the best of everything if only someone would do the job properly, none of these MPs have even got a CV, non have experiance in the job they for the medical service...17000 people died because of the NHS being stifled yours truly, the Gov't.
I'm not upper, middle or lower class...i'm a Human being being fleeced.....
those people who complain about paying tax, and how we shouldn't pay tax.

Consider the other side of the coin. You don't have to pay tax, but you have to pay for ALL Schooling for yourself (no grants or government funded schools), and all your children.

You have to pay for all medical treatment even the emergency treatment, as there'd be no NHS.

Everybody complains about the road quality and road tax, but compare it to most private roads, they're generally terrible. So the roads would be a lot worse.

Maybe we do pay too much tax, and some of it spent in the wrong places. But, on a whole, 95% of the population, yourself included will at many points in their life (already unless you went to private schooling) will rely on the goverment and their funding, and therefore tax. This country needs the tax.
but is it right to use fuel tax and road tax for other things? Like, the health service and improving public transport? the motorist has always been used as a government cashpoint. The price of oil goes up, so the government doesn't hesitate to wack up tax on it to compensate, even though the majority of the fuel price is tax, and there's billions of barrels in reserve anyway.
what about the schooling you received?

As for taxing the motorist it's simple business. They need to make money, and they can make more by charging for something that everybody needs.
Sorry Fish i deleted my schooling bit before refreshing the page, was drifting off topic with it :) The schooling i received obviously was paid for from tax money. However the point i was making before i deleted it was that people without kids shouldn't have to pay tax for schooling! The same way non drivers don't have to pay tax for roads, fuel, vat on insurance, fuel, car parts, MOT's, etc. I'd be happy if we had to pay for services which were relevant to us - but why should my tax money go towards public services etc when i never use them!
what about the schooling you received?

The education system failed me.

That's not the point though, the problem is how much we are taxed, and the reasons we are taxed.

We pay and extra penny a litre on petrol, that's one more gun bought for the army to go and kill someone we are supposedly helping. We are going halfway round the world to fix problems when we have real problems right here in the UK.

Forget a dictatorship somewhere else (that was about oil nothing else) what about the homeless we have here. Or the wife-beaters, if you wanna shoot someone shoot them.

Road tax goes up and oh look another lazy politician gets a payrise.

I just feel ripped off.
I wasn't given the help I deserved because I was above average intelligence. The funding was reserved for the slower kids because they needed help to be average. They were never going to be anything special but I could've been. And because of this I started questioning the point of it all and gave up, resulting in me failing most of my GCSE's.

I know that makes me sound like a pathetic self centred teenager but that's the way it is.
to be fair, you can't blame the system for your own lack of motivation, there are plenty of people who have been in that situation, myself included, where my lessons involved me helping show other people how to do the work. But, people either have no motivation and blame the teachers, or they're motivated and do their own work in their own time to improve. If you think honestly about your school life, would your results really have been any different if you was in a different place with the same attitude?

I doubt it was about Iraq, we get plenty of oil from our own waters, we just sell it, because the quality is much better than what is commonly used in petrol.
My lack of motivation is because of the way the system doesnt work.

At home I taught myself about engines, electronics and other things. So in a way I did teach myself just not about things I'd already learned 5 times over in school.