Micra k11 wont start! Help!

hi. i've been trying to get my Micra k11 Preg to start but it wont. 1 mechanic said its the immobliser and 1 other said its not! does anyone know where the immobliser is in the engine? its an Automatic 1.0 PAS
... its like its about to start but won't. its like when you jump start but won't start. i've tried that 2. i've also tried pushing it & start it but still won't, just gives a little start then dies out again. where does the immobliser be in the engine? i just wana check that out. or if someone knows whats rong with it? PLEASE HELP!! cheers

one more thing i did have it on a couple of points and it lets me rev it but then goes off!! what could it be? i don't know much about micra's. thanks
the nats is in the ecu, if it,s the chip in the key type, then there,s a black plastic receiver ring around the ignition barrel :)
if it runs for a few seconds when you drop a bit of fuel down the t/b, then it may be a nats prob (or some other fuel prob)
thanks... i'll try that tomorrow m8... thanks... but doubt it being the distributor had it done a month and a hlf ago... but still will check it out!

can someone tell me where the immobliser is connected? as in where is it located in the engine?