K11 wont start !

Hi we are doing a k11 up for racing, we cannot start the car, the injectors are not pulsing, the immobiliser has been disconnected can anyone help diagnose the problem, we are at a loss :[
Also listen carefull if you getting a crunchy noise at the ignition switch.they bust up inside,,,,,and then no ride :)
1996 Micra has NATS2. How can that be disconnected??

NATS2 can't be bypassed like NATS iirc, so that might be the reason it wont start..
I agree with skymera I believe you've an issue in your wiring.

I'd say the ecu is fine its doing its job of preventing the car to start. Or in other words the immobiliser is very much still active

I agree with skymera I believe you've an issue in your wiring.

I'd say the ecu is fine its doing its job of preventing the car to start. Or in other words the immobiliser is very much still active

Mines 96 on the P if I disconnected mine it wont start at all Nats2 its great... :rolleyes:
Hi just an update, our car is up and running Long may it continue, the immobilizer kicked in and we found an amazing auto electrician who sorted out the Nats 2 ecu. Happy days :]