K11 Shuts off Immediately. Cannot start properly.

Hi, first of all, I have sod all knowledge with cars if I'm honest! So sorry for any poor explanations!

For the past couple of days, my K11 has been having problems starting. Start of the day, the car would start fine - I'd drive somewhere, park up and leave it a while. Come back to my car to drive home, and the car has troubles starting - I just have to keep trying and trying before it finally started.

Today, the same happened, apart from when I went to start it up to go home.. It would NOT start.

I turn the key to On, and the car starts up and starts as it should, but as soon as you take your hand off the key, it just shuts off immediately and the key goes back. I'm pretty sure all my fuses are OK and I have half a tank of fuel!

I have not checked the spark plugs, would it be something like that?

I've realised that when I turn the key just once, the amber coloured CHECK light remains on.

If you hold the key in place, the engine remains on.

Thanks in advance to anyone and happy to give more information on the problem!

Hi Belly! It was indeed the ignition switch! Fitted a replacement yesterday and all back to normal!

Little worried when I replaced it, tried to start, it started for about 5seconds then shut off and now my check light was flashing!...... I'd removed the immobiliser thing around the ignition to get better access to the switch and forgot to pit it back, Ha!

Thanks for your reply! Forgot I had posted on here as I was waiting for my first post to be accepted!