Italian Job - Perth meet


» CMF Member
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Just watched the Italian Job (remake) for the first time on TV last night, and was quite impressed that those new Minis got thru all those stairs and still had pep to make it around corners. Im not under any illusion that they only used 3 cars in that movie as the original Italian Job used like 50 cars or something?

Anyway, my proposition (hehe) is that for the perth meet or sometime after that, we do a movie short of the Italian Job, but with MICRAS!!! :D

No, we wont go down stairs or onto train lines (unless someone wants to?) but maybe some stunt driving on some EMPTY wet roads and some little shorts of members playing some small acting roles and stealing something? (Maybe even steal the White Knight and have to catch it with a bunch of other Micras :D)

Leave your ideas here + If you'd like to be part of this. Id be in for the stunt driving. :)


» CMF Member
Member since:
That sounds like great fun - if you ignore the practical considerations! Like finding someone to film, not drive. And finding somewhere quiet to do stunts without Mr plod impounding you and your ride!