Is My Heater Card Totally Goosed?


Buy & Sell Member
Check this out chamone:



What should I do to get my heater speeds back?
brakers for free!! what i do is just flash it to them, say "i need to replacement of this", swap one over in the yard and walk out saying "there all nakad probs need to get one new", iv dont this countless times :grinning:(Y)
Mine looked like that, I repaired it for free.

If you want you can post that shizzle to me and I'll see what I can do
Ooh nice offer there Olly! I read somewhere on here about sanding the contacts down and dropping a "blob" of solder across the small resistor??
I would be careful about fixing these cards. Fair play to you if you can get it to work but i would opt for a replacement every time. Trouble is most cards in the scrapyard are blown too.
Mine lasted a winter on various different settings and as far as I know is still working fine.

I got a dremel with an ultra fine sanding disc and blew off all the corrosion then ran solder along the joints