Help with an assignment - if you shop at sainsburys!


I love Ed!!!!
Need some help on this one as i lost my answers

what does the Sainsbury's brand stand for or mean to you?

no slagging off of sainsburys please as this is for a presentation i have to give on Monday and i cant really add give that to my new employer.

Edit: its not a interview, just a presentation i have to give to the board of directors of Sainsburys (i already work there). The question i have to ask customers is the one stated above

Hmmm...I would do a bit of research if I were you. Look on their website for slogans, logos and statements of intention (e.g. "Here at Sainsburys we aim to..."). Also think about what they say in their advertising.

However, if this is part of an interview procedure, they may want your own opinion on what Sainsburys means, so it might not be a good move to have all good things in there. Obviously don't slate it - a better angle to come from would be "I believe that Sainsburys could potentially benefit from..." or something along those lines. If this is part of an interview procedure what they want to see is that you have done your homework and know your stuff. Favourable comparisons to other supermarkets would probably be a good idea.

Hope this helps - good luck with the presentation. J
its not a interview, just a presentation i have to give to the board of directors of Sainsburys (i already work there). The question i have to ask customers is the one stated above
Your lucky one if my IVA assignments was about Tesco and

J Sainsbury plc is the parent company of Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd, commonly known as Sainsbury's, which is a chain of supermarkets in the United Kingdom. It was once the market leader in the UK supermarket sector, but is currently ranked third behind Tesco and ASDA. The company's fortunes have improved since the launch of a recovery programme by CEO Justin King in 2004 and ASDA CEO Andy Bond has suggested Sainsbury's may regain second position, lost in 2003.

Might not answer your question, but got me a
why dont you want critisism if i was asked that question id say that sainsburys is just one of a handfull of other shops that doesnt set itself apart from the others or offer anything more over the other large shops around... there is no significant brand image i assosiate with sainsburys its a large shop the same as the rest out there maybe you need to tell that to the managers.. if they want there brand or image to stand out it should actually have one to start with.
Raceworx said:
why dont you want critisism if i was asked that question id say that sainsburys is just one of a handfull of other shops that doesnt set itself apart from the others or offer anything more over the other large shops around... there is no significant brand image i assosiate with sainsburys its a large shop the same as the rest out there maybe you need to tell that to the managers.. if they want there brand or image to stand out it should actually have one to start with.

Critisim is ok however i do not have time for people that post 'Sainsburys are overrpriced and useless'

So far someone has said to me that the Sainsburys brand to them means good customer service and being treated like a individual

hughes_16v said:
its what sainsburys mean to me lol

Lol, is true tho, like when someone says Tesco, I think of the mad Telephone advert and Co-op is the guy fishing...

Anyway, better not disturb his thread :)
Well, the local Budgens supermarket in my nearest town recently got replaced by a Sainsburys. To be honest, I haven't noticed much difference, except for the fact that you cannot find as many bargains as before and that they have restricted access by bricking up 1 of the 2 entrance points.
sainsburys to me is were the posh people go as there food is quite over priced in my opinion but then again the difference in quality may be apparant and they dont offer enough cheap alternatives maybe its just a stigma iv attached to them from when we went there once and spent more on our normal shopping than we do at good old asda or tesco and it means a lot in a family like ours as my brother is 13 and is a gannet! ...that and ther isnt one close enough to us

no offense to any1 that shops there us poor ppl cant afford it lol!
Not being silly but if this is supposed to be a customers perspective would it not be more sensible to have gone to your local sainsburys and asked the customers ?
rhaines said:
Not being silly but if this is supposed to be a customers perspective would it not be more sensible to have gone to your local sainsburys and asked the customers ?

yes but i lost it
Mike if it helps, I only really shop in sainsburys and i'll try to avoid the local tescos at all cost, its like pikey chav scum world (both of them round here) To me Sainsburys are not over priced, but they are more expensive than others, I'm quite happy to accept this since what ever they do I just prefer their food and shopping enviroment.
Sainsburys is not for posh people lol, thats waitrose.

Do you remember what sort of replies you were getting from your customers before you lost it? I dont actually have anything positive to say about Sainsburys, there isles are usually too thin, and you brand all your bakery products with nut allergy warnings even tho they're baked in store!
I shop at Sainaburys for the only reason it is on my way home, tbh when short of cash do use the pikey own brand products which aren't to bad although think Tesco's are better tasting.

OUr Dealership have to use Sainsburys fuel as its the cheapest in the area which brings a lot of people there in Worksop!
Arnold said:
, thats waitrose.

oh yeh but still we spent more there than in asda or tesco

and we or not chav scum Ed and we go to tesco's and asda! there just resonable for a large family and within close proxinity
Arnold said:
there isles are usually too thin, and you brand all your bakery products with nut allergy warnings even tho they're baked in store!

They are more than 3 trollies wide here! Learn to steer!! lol

Instore they deal with nuts in the bakery so by law they must put that on everything that is made in there...... I dont see the problem with this.
Ed said:
I dont see the problem with this.

Because your not a nut allergy suffer! You cant imagine how difficult it is to buy things. Tesco and Waitrose however have clear nut ratings on all there products, including fresh bakery stuff - not just nuts either, sesame seeds, oils, etc etc. Makes a big difference for me when it comes to buying things!
sainsbury is warm homely and welcoming with subtle colours and relaxing atmosphere.

tesco is bright clean and super sharp to the point cold colours and you literally get in there and get out as fast as you can.
Ed said:
They are more than 3 trollies wide here! Learn to steer!! lol.

I can easily, its the stupid people who leave them across the isles you cant get past!
Tescos has something 'extra' though. I just want to get out as fast as I can, just like Type-R!
Arnold said:
I can easily, its the stupid people who leave them across the isles you cant get past!
The aisles at our local Sainsbury's are usually kept pretty clear, I suppose it depends where you go...

The only reason I go to our Tesco Extra in Croydon is if I want a cheap DVD (or non food product) or need food at any time past 10pm (24hr store)
i prefer sainsbury although they cost a little extra than tesco. Tescos are cheaper on loads of products by a few pence but i dnt enjoy shopping in tesco.

Asda is good i like it there, you have sooooo much choice of products from im "a cheap skate" to "i like to pay for packaging". And asdas are all sooooo massive it takes ages walking around, its nice.
from a visual and asphetics sainsburys does have the edge but i thought the3 question was about brand image and what it means to you when you hear or see sainsburys mentioned..

tesco is on a mission to destroy all local shops anyway.. there local "express" shops are the most depressing thing ever..

So far someone has said to me that the Sainsburys brand to them means good customer service and being treated like a individual

i dont know who said that but there heads are in the clouds lol its the same in every shop 16-20 year olds who need some cash working the tills and stacking shelves.. do sainsburys really care about me as an individual?? i dont think so they want to know what the biggest majority like and feed it to them hence this servey..

but after all is said and done i shop at sainsburys.. why? because its the closest to me and all the local shops have gone out of business due to sainsburys..
I work for Sainsburys too. I do think their food is better, and that the stores have a better atmosphere / friendly staff than other supermarkets. We've just had a new Asda open near us, which I haven't had a chance to look round properly yet, and I daren't go in the Tescos, it's full of pikey zombies. :blush: I do like my staff discount card from Sainsburys too.
micra_pete said:
plus the round-about into yours ian is of excellent design
*chuckle* :)

Raceworx said:
i dont know who said that but there heads are in the clouds lol its the same in every shop 16-20 year olds who need some cash working the tills and stacking shelves..
True, but at training, they are trained to ask if you need help packing, stuff like that, and I find they generally make more conversation than your average Tesco worker...
they might give me more conversaion but when all i want is to know where a certain product is i want a person who says certainly its here i say thankyou and cary on shopping.. now most shopiing places round my area tesco sainsburus or whatever have good staff but thats probably because the area where the staff come from.. you could put a netto in dronfield and all the staff would be freindly put a waitrose on the manor youll get knifeed asking where the beans are..

TBH i prefferd it when you went to a butches to get your meat a greengrocers to get you veg everything was fresh cheap and people were freindly!! becuase you got to know them.. you carnt replicate that in a huge sainsburys buy putting some ye-oldy style signs that say meat street ect

and yes also the access is great pete :D many thanks for that theres only been 3 major accidents a 1 death there in the past month :p
When I used to live in Yorkshire we had a veggie van that used to deliver fresh veg, that was awesome, used to get peas from them and just sit there eating them all night lol. Ahhh memories... lol
dronfield sainsbury has got a good roundabout i also second that its got a good design good fun to go straight over at a reasonable speed :glance:
I used to shop in sainsburys, I do consider them to be slightly more expensive to the other super markets, but Sainsburys stocked all the food I liked. Only once or twice did I find they were out of stock of something that, for me is a must have. E.g. The sainsburys brand orange juce (the one to compete with Tropicana) and things like proper pineapple juce. When I tried to move to tesco, they didn't even stock a quater of the number of cartons of these drinks and always seemed to have run out. In my previouse job I realy did not have time to cook meals from scratch and did buy many ready made dishes and I cannot fault them in taste. Again they were slightly more expensive that tesco or asda, but they do (or did as I don't have a sainsburys in paris) taste far superior that the same ones from other supermarkets.

I do admit that it is seen as a place where it has a more of a "posh" person would shop (horrible cliche (did I spell that right?)but its the only thing I could think of that would fit), but Marks & Spencers is thought of a very posh place to buy your food and the food sucks.

I hope that helps.

PS I am not sure the excuse "the dog ate my homework" would work if its not good enough, but hey you never know.
I shop at Sainsburys, even have a credit card with them.

The brand to me is - above the rest. clean, simple, fresh, has what we want.

because. .
Adsa - tries too hard to sell, giving your ass a pat and Sharon Osbourne, whats that all about!!

Morrisons - the place looks too messy and dated

Tesco - Like fleas on a dog, loads of them, where I live there is a Asda store and a Tesco's seperated by an round about!!!!! Thats in Long Eaton. Also there is a same sized Tesco in the next town called Toton which is about 4 miles away. That does not include the Tesco Xtras!! Pointless!!
I really feal sorry for the local traders ie the fruit and veg, butchers, paper shops etc

M&S - image, only for grannies!!

+ for those of you who work in Sainsburys, there has been times when I hear on the tannoy something along the lines of ''will staff please report to 'somewhere' for the 2oclock thumble'' (or something like that, would love to know what it is as it always makes me laugh!!)
Sainsburys is alright hasnt got as much range as the other supermarkets, still not bad though, the food in the cafe is good.
+ for those of you who work in Sainsburys, there has been times when I hear on the tannoy something along the lines of ''will staff please report to 'somewhere' for the 2oclock thumble'' (or something like that, would love to know what it is as it always makes me laugh!!)

"Huddle" probably? It's the daily meeting that the managers go to to find out sales figures and stuff, then we each have our own department huddles where this info is passed on to the staff.

This thread is making really interesting reading for me!