Cause I didn't go Donny


Ex. Club Member
well, because I couldn't go Donny I decide this long weekend would be a car weekend cause I been having trouble getting motivated to would on the car and glad to see I found my MOJO again!

Firsltly my sills have started bubbling, assumed it was trapped water so thought best to sort before it really damages the sills, well, it was water but glad to say no major sill damage, just some filler to smooth few imperfections in sill. Now primed and ready to paint.

Not happy with doing just on job changed the glass on the drivers side head light as it cracked when did it last time.

Then the major isue, since my front end change the bonnet has never sat properly, previously I ground the bonnet loop thingy which helped but this then caused the bonnet to shack alot at speeds aboue 50mph, so I wleded that back to normal and ended up back where I was.

After mush testing found it was the latch being held to high, the frontend panel was a pattern part, had to be problems with it sometime.
So I removed the grille, closed bonnet and got it held in place and welded the bonnet latch mount (not the actual latch) to the centre vertical bar and made new hone to the latch to bolt onto.

Then came moment of truth and all was good!!!



After 1

After 2

Anyways thanks for reading, just wanted to keep up with the car weekend most are having
gary if yr bonnet dose it agen pop it and look both sides and u shud see a rubber bung at each end turn them and u will see them move up and down that is how 2 ajust the front ov yr bonnet to make it sit rite
this post has cost u £10 lol
Now that I'm happier with the front end, I can finish the sills properly, then can work on the bumper again, easy to fill the huge gap, harder to stop it cracking!!

Didn't know you had a black SuperS, any pics?