Car names

my k11 was called percy, cuz he was green. and my fiesta is called Rhett, cuz hes red, as in scarlet, as in ohara.

get some culture
Erm, I call mine "My car" lol.

Although my old red K10 was called the BAPmobile...


Can't think why :wasntme: hehe
Mine's 'my car' too lol!!! Dunno why people name them!! But hey, if it keeps you lot happy... :p
Oh yeah I forgot to add the names are often related to whatever the numberplate says, for example our old cav was KFWC or Kentucky Fried Working Chicken :)
Hence NxxxYMO is Nymo and CVO is Stevo.
None of my cars have had names. However my K10's registration ends in KGB so if I was to call it something I think it would have a russian spy influence!
Doesn't it bother you boy's that your car's being girls are sexier, faster and stronger than you! LOL :p
ems what can i say. the reason why cars are called girls name's is, cause old cars are like women. tempermental, expensive and a complete pain in the arse half the time. just another old tradtion thingyee.
SiR RocKY is his offical title (being an SR and the plate ending in RKY), but he is known to his friends merely as "Little Rocky"!
It's either 'Meecra', 'Screaming metal death trap' or the 'Wife' (mostly because of the high maintenance lol)
MICHA the Micra

Had to be a girl cos its purple

My old car (Fiat Cinquecento-RIP) Was named after me.. For this reason!

My name is Chris. I used to spell my name funny- Krys

The Reg on the Cinq was M***KRY

Whack an S on the end an your off :D

My car has a new nickname.. It's the black cat... Simply because it's black, but it also seems to have multiple lives haha.. I've overheated it twice now, the head gasket has been shot for over 2 months now.. The wiring is corroded to hell.. It just doesn't give up!! I love my Micra :blush: