Bumpers, Wing panels, Mud splash guards SCREWS

Hi there,

I stripped my micra today so these screws are totally old, rusty and damaged.

Does anyone know where can i get stainless screws for these tittles above?

If i get stainless screws so i wont get rust screws in the future right?

I wish that i could upload some of my screws but my phone is still repairing atm. Hopefully, it will be done by this weekend. I will try to upload if i found some pictures from google.

I hope someone will know. If you do know then please can you tell me.

Sorry my bad so i found myself to get these information from above. i tried to find on msc which are not found. Anyway In Halfords, they got load of nuts, bolts, screws and fixings. this thread will be useful if someone want to get or replace new ones.
cheers jk