Bear Grylls

I love his show, he jumps into pools of ice cold water on one of his shows almost naked just to show what will happen if you do it!

I feel prepared in theory if i ever get stranded somewhere, but im not prepared to eat a rabbit raw and stuff lol
I would marry Bear (were he and I both single) but I'd be too afraid of what he might try and make me do, as his wife.

He's fab. He makes camping look hot, not disgusting and peasanty like it really is.
No not that one, he makes an ice hole himself and jumps in to show how you would get out and talks about the gasp reflex and things.

Still he is a legend, would love to learn those skills myself and get myself stranded on an island with a knife and a flint... maybe even befriend a football haha
yeh he is mental! lol
yeh haha sounds like a good MSC meet...on a islands and try to survive with a knife haha
Apparently, he's the guy that's been spotted in hotels whilst out "filming in the wilderness".

Ray Mears is hardcore through and through!!
i hope thats not true :suspect: :( , things like that kinda ruin the programe...
Even if the staying in a hotel is true the other things he does are still amazing..
Bear is all show. Whilst I give Bear his dues, I'll still hold Ray in higher regard. Ray is the one to pay attention too as he actually lives in the environment not like bear who's been shown to stay in hotels and the like and to make things look more hostile than they are.

Another thing to mention is Ray was true special forces not like Bear who was in the TA SAS.

I have an old friend who is ex special forces, who tells me that Bear would last long if he carried on the way he does, he does not respect the environment he's in and wastes too much energy. Just watch how Ray takes his time and is always chilled that's how you survive and that's the survival style I've been taught over the years.
No not that one, he makes an ice hole himself and jumps in to show how you would get out and talks about the gasp reflex and things.

Still he is a legend, would love to learn those skills myself and get myself stranded on an island with a knife and a flint... maybe even befriend a football haha

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just choked reading this! (WILSOON)
damn this guy has a strong stomach or what, i would so starve to death if i am stranded somewhere cos i cant eat ANY of that! lol