barry boys...



just been thinking my car is the sort of thing they would but on carry and i aint been on there yet... lol just thinking thats all

Well they put standard cars on there so i wouldnt be surprised what ends up on that site. Just think of it as more publicity etc if it does!
LOL, oh I should be on there,

Modded Grille,
Full Bodtkit
15" Fox Alloys
-35mm lowered

All I need is an ironing board (spoiler) on the back and I'm on there!!!
im just serprised they aint put mine on there and critisized the pait job lol
there are some well nice cars on there and they just run them down... not saying mine shouldnt be on there tho lol
the one with the flag and metal paint job on the front end i need a body kit was the nova one a hard fit dan?
yer deffo i know what skirts and archs i getting just wating to get paid in 2 weeks