Attempted theft, second immobiliser brands wanted


Steve :)
Well just got out to the car and noticed the barrel and steering surround has been smashed and what looks like attempted Hotwire but no wires ripped or cut, got a replacement surround and tucked wires in a d back together, think the thief musta been spooked and gave up, just thinking of getting a second immobiliser is it worth it? Car thefts here in Belfast are on the rise aswell as carjacking, if anyone could point me in a good direction of a remote immobiliser would be good

Thanks steven
they did,nt bust the nats box/antenna then steven ? a theft was attampted on our white k11 last week too :mad: they pulled the doorframe down and ripped the cowl off, but gave up in the end
Toad or Clifford would be worth the money, I've got a Meta systems alarm/immobiliser (couldn't tell you what one though) which is quite good
No thats down in the footwell int it? just got in to see bits of grey trim from the surround And ignition barrel hanging off lol poor attempt at it lol No damage done to door but easy to unlock my car and no alarm :p they're little scrotes need there hands chopping off preventing them from doing there 2 favourite things stealing cars and masterbating :)
Do they do a remote one Karl? As I'd keep the remote in pocket and be able to turn engine off if I'm carjacked with keys in ignition and engine running so can disable as they drive off, the scum of west Belfast love carjacking when sat stationary and pointing knifes , guns and iron bars in your face :/ nearly 2 everyday but they get caught and released few hours later with slap on wrist and we pick up the bill
I think Clifford do but they're really expensive £500+ best to have a search on google for anti car jacking systems
Screw Clifford, get a Magnavolt

or, my personal favorite, a Trunk Monkey.....may cost a bit in bananas though :rolleyes:

Just realised gona be a pig to fit, going to root scrapyards tomorow to find a k11 with central locking already fitted, what models came with it factory?
first thing is secure your car with security, lernt the lesson on the k10 door bent out like seagull
40 quid the other guy paid for a decent e blay one including door activaters
Found a 2001 primera central locking kit and Iv arranged to take it out tomorow, would it be straight swap into the k11? He wants £30 if I take it out myself is that reasonable? What do I take out?