Alarm Wiring & Random Cable


Ex. Club Member
Was cleaning up my engine bay earlier and found what seems to be part of an alarm system, the wires on it have been cut, can this easily be wired back up to become a working alarm or does it need other parts installing?!


Also just below this i found a wire going into the bodywork of the engine bay, not sure where it went to or what its for, any ideas?

The alarm will probably need some sort of control unit so it knows when to go off, activate/deactivate, flash the indicators etc. It's probably best to rip that siren out and just buy a whole new kit :)
Agree, also that other wire is an earth strap and should attach to something on the engine.
That earth strap clips on to some stupid little metal thing on top of the gearbox towards the back.

The clip is held on by one of the gearbox bolts. can be easily found if you round your hand along the gearbox/engine join and feel around some of the bolts.
So when does it know to go off and how would you deactivate it. No alarms are that simple!
na that's crap. There still needs to be a control unit that runs everything!