Hoping somebody could help me with this problem.

I have replaced the short linkage for the windscreen wiper system. The problem I have is;

Wipers come on as soon as the ignition is turned to the first position. Even if the switch is in the off position.
Wipers come on for about 10 seconds and then go off for about 20 seconds. This just keeps on going until I turn the ignition off.

I heard that if I disconnect the battery for about 2 hours the BCM which controls the wipers will reset itself? Will this cure the problem and if not what can I do?

Any help out there will be greatly appreciated..........Thanks..John
I'm having issues with my BCM, random unlocking is my issue though. It's always worth a shot, make sure you've got your radio code to hand if you've got the original stereo, just incase. I'm going to try the same tomorrow.