1.4 k11 conversion

How easy /hard are the 1400 engines to come by that will fit into a k11 if so would this be theCGA3DE 1.4…. Also would hurdles would a 1400 from the k12 pose ?

any advice appreciated
Not really hard as its just a basic engine.
They come out of a k11 so i dont see any reason why they wont fit a k11.

But do mind the wiring loom for the coilpack engines is different than the dizzy engines and it also uses another type of ECU.
No the K12 engine is a completly different engine. (cr14de) With a different loom and ecu, and a electronic throttlebody. Way to much work for a simple swap.
A quick search will sort you out from what I remember
Cga3de block with distributer head so you can retain dizzy. Injection tb etc