Yet another old driver news story

Not just lose there license, THEY would be dragged through the courts and prosecuted, probably get a few years in prison.
She shouldn't be punished in a normal way. Just take her liscence, it's enough for someone of this age. I feel she is probably still rather confused at what happened anyway. It's not like she knew she was breaking the law, even though it was massively obvious to us.
unless she got the urge! next she'll be going down the high street on her mobility chair running into people....:p
unless she got the urge! next she'll be going down the high street on her mobility chair running into people....:p


my grandad (74) who has never took a civilian car test is 1 of the best drivers I know. But recently hes been getting out of breath from just driving so he'll probably stop soon. So its not just mental health that affects older drivers.

instead of a retest, an eye, mental and physical examination would be better.
Because without revising I bet most of you wouldnt pass the theory nevermind another 30+ years down the line.

RTKkyuubi3 said:
my grandad (74) who has never took a civilian car test is 1 of the best drivers I know. But recently hes been getting out of breath from just driving so he'll probably stop soon. So its not just mental health that affects older drivers.

Seventy-four and almost ready to stop driving? Well, hell, (potentally) that doesn't leave me a whole lot of time, then.

The thing about getting old is, if you're lucky enough to remain healthy while it's happening, you dont' really think a lot about it. The milestone birthdays come and go (and you get those rude and insulting cards) but, for the most part, you continue doing the same things you did 20, 30 years ago. I don't, for instance, and then until only recently, really feel like an old person. When I look in the shaving mirror, however, it hits home like a slap in the face.

The passing of time (and thus age) can be compared to one of those video clips you see from time to time of an avalanche: it starts off slowly but gradually gathers momentum until just before the base of the mountain (death) it's roaring along at a terrifying speed. Past a certain age, days fly by like hours, weeks like days. I can't, as an example, believe it's Friday already: it was only Monday yesterday! It's another story altogether when you're young (the first rumblings of the avalanche). When you were in school did you think the weekend would ever come?

So, if you're still with me, and pertaining to driving, don't be too hard on the oldies. I agree with you 100% that there are some who shouldn't be driving, but weeding them out would be no easy thing. It would seem that the only fair way is after the fact. Or, after they drive down the M6 on the wrong side.

"Gather your rosebuds while ye may," young sirs and ladies. (Can't remember who wrote that, Shakespear, probably.)

It's not hard to bring in simple tests though. type 1 diabetics are tested for sight every 5 years as they are more at risk or sommat. Just do the same from age 60 plus

Past a certain age, days fly by like hours, weeks like days. I can't, as an example, believe it's Friday already: it was only Monday yesterday! It's another story altogether when you're young (the first rumblings of the avalanche). When you were in school did you think the weekend would ever come?

In that case I must be about 90, months are disappearing, not that I'm complaining cos it's like getting paid every day. lols