WTB Rings and bearings


» CMF Member
Member since:
Hey guys where can you buy them. Can you get ACL bearings or anything race type. I have found i need to take the whole motor apart and now spend more cash on the rebuild to do it properly.

The O-rings are getting taken out and machined down as i dont trust that they were done properly.


» CMF Member
Member since:
you will need to measure your journals first to get the right size/grade of bearing really sik (4 grades of big-end, and 7 grades of mains i believe)
and going by the conrod i tried, the GA/QG bearings might fit also



» CMF Member
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LowMicra WROTE:

"Gees 12:1 pretty high :) I'm guessing for turbo yeah!?

As a general rule of thumb:

High comp = N/A applications mostly
Low comp = Boosted applications mostly

I say mostly because there are lots of people that stick with the standard comp ratio, which is fine but you've got to keep more of an eye on pinging/detonation/knocking when you're tuning it (not that you wouldn't anyway). The MA09ERT found in the K10 Superturbo has quite a low comp ratio comparitively and if driven off boost (i.e. if the SC wasn't working for low RPM) it'd be quite a pig to drive before the turbo kicked in. With a stock compression ratio it's less likely to be **** to drive off-boost but as I mentioned, there's slightly greater risk of detonation.

If you're going turbo, you're not really going to want to want to increase the compression ratio above what is already is stock on a CG13.



» CMF Member
Member since:
Ok thanks frank. Rings are sorted i called SPS and told them the car it came out of they new the one and the specs of the pistons so that means they can supply new bearings to suit for 88 bucks. Thats great news now to check the bearings to see if i can reuse them or if i need new ones and then if new are required i will have to measure the journals and go for the ga stuff as Nissan Aus are saying they nave nothing around for it. Got a part number but never shows anything up on their system.