'women can no longer be charged lower car insurance premiums than men'

you have to remember though that 'equal' doesn't mean 'less'. They just say you cant charge lads more... Iv got a feeling the girls are in for a shock when they renew.
It's about time this was sorted out, I'm sick and tired of the stereotypical view that women are safer drivers when through personal experience they are not, there is no difference between male and female drivers.

Not only that why the hell should I pay more just because of my gender when the most I use my car is to and from work, which is only 2 miles away?!?

Also was anyone else screaming at the tv when that 18 lass was saying it wasnt fair that she won't get cheap insurance because of being female? Makes me laugh women want equality yet when it goes against them they don't want it absolutely pathetic

I apologize if I upset our female members it's not an attack just a rant
i think this is only fair my sister on the same car as me(nelly used to be hers) at my age for her first year was something silly like £500 and my cheepest was £1117 im all for this :D
i herd on the radio yesterday, on average, womens insurance will be going up by 25% and mens down by 10% (averages of cause) to bring them more inline
Why shouldn't drivers who are statistically a lower risk for insurace companies pay less for their insurance.

Women "might" be inclined to have more small bumps and scrapes than us, but gents we have to admit we are far more likely to be involved in the type of accident that lead to the big claims being made, which is why insurace for "young" men is always loaded.

Artificially increasing the price for women just so that superficially the premiums paid by men an women appears fair is the biggest load of ######## I've heard in ages. It's bound to increase my household outgoings each month and make me less well off.
I can see the fors and against here

Thing is as mark says women generally don't drive like kunts where as blokes do

If my outgoings increase anymore I may to start selling my body to pay for stuff!!lol

On a serious note though it should be on the drivers etc not the gender, if it effects me though I won't be happy!

Guys this country is finished, slowly and surely it's collapsing and there's nothing you or I can do about it :(

Take take take is all this 'kunt'try is good for!
this is the problem with insurance premiums based on statistics. the only way to make it work is through stereotyping.
The premiums are a joke, and the statistics are crap, the only reason insurance is so high is that the prices are that bad, that people don't insure, thus driving illegally, then crashing which ruins everything for everyone.

Its wrong tbh,

A friend gets insured on a 1.3 KA first year...600 quid,

Me on a 1.0 facelift micra, 1600...yeaaaaaaaaah!

Granted to the good drivers they deserve cheap prices (But my friend insured on that KA drives so much worse then me, its unreal.)

Insurance should be set up to be like a reminder, but it should also be a reward system,

There should be a monthly no claims system as well as yearly, with the monthly one dragging monthly cost slowly towards a feasible level and the yearly no claims bonus having the nice chunk effect, saving anything these days is a bonus and if the drivers reminded how hes doing, he'l stick to it.
Artificially increasing the price for women just so that superficially the premiums paid by men an women appears fair is the biggest load of ######## I've heard in ages. It's bound to increase my household outgoings each month and make me less well off.

That's a very valid point Mark, we all (males) have got caught up in the "it's about time" that we (not all) missed that point

The problem with insurance is it needs a real shake up, when I went to insure the super s, I went to my local brokers and my quote was stupidly high [bold]with[/bold] my sister as a named driver just because she's in the army, so I tried my mother in law and again it shot up and she's in admin sat at a desk?! The statistic should be based on where the individual lives not nation wide.

I know that we pay more because there are selfish tw@s out there going around uninsured, but surely the punishment for being uninsured should be more severe not bump up the price for those who drive legally
Surrey then if you have a 30yr old and a 17yr old trying to insure the same car there premium should be the same as otherwise that's age discrimination?! fwn

Any reduction in my insuarnce will be a much welcomed bonus! (Y)
Surrey then if you have a 30yr old and a 17yr old trying to insure the same car there premium should be the same as otherwise that's age discrimination?! fwn

Any reduction in my insuarnce will be a much welcomed bonus! (Y)

I think they would argue it's not age discrimination the 30yr old would have more experience.. unless said 30yr old had only just passed their test, then yes the quote should (but wouldn't) be the same
Yeah it isn't gonna make much difference to us boys, to be perfectly honest there isn't many women raggin' there cars around putting in bigger zorsts etc.
take this club for example i could probably count regular visiting women members on one hand.
we like speed. which we pay through the teeth for unfortunately. am at a lower risk after i hit 25? even though i will still drive the same way?
it will still be rolling the dice no matter which way you look at it.
clear example is my missus paid £300 fc on her car this year. and she is only 22 but has more experience than me by 2 years and i am paying £600
i think personally that is fair.
Surrey then if you have a 30yr old and a 17yr old trying to insure the same car there premium should be the same as otherwise that's age discrimination?! fwn

Any reduction in my insuarnce will be a much welcomed bonus! (Y)

That's what they're saying, it'll start spreading to other things too, like age. Too bad it won't happen in time for me to insure my car at 17 :p

This obviously has good and bad sides, but since, when I'm 18 (this will only kick in in 2012) I'll get an average of 10% less on my insurance, I'm happy personally (Y)

BTW, of course they're not just gonna decrease the mens' and leave the womens' alone, they're far too greedy for that.
I think they would argue it's not age discrimination the 30yr old would have more experience.. unless said 30yr old had only just passed their test, then yes the quote should (but wouldn't) be the same

Well for example my mum has held her driving license for 25 year of which she drove for the first 3 years of. Is she as dangerous as a 17 year old after not driving for 22 years?

The point I was making is were do you draw the line as that's age discrimination? What about job discrimination where mechanics pay a massive premium because of their job. If your saying you cant discriminate against sex why is it appropriate to discriminate on other grounds?

*pop* I think that's the sounds of a can of worms being opened :p
go on any comparison site.
you get different prices for:
place of residence - fair play.
age - ?
marital status - ?
sex - being discussed now.
job - ?

? = why the hell has this not been discussed before?
I think insurance is a p*** take!! Im sorry, been driving for a year , no clamis or anything and the best quote I could get was £2800!! Its not exatly a 2.0 turbo! Dunno about you lot im 18 and apparantley high risk but ive had about 5 close calls and they have alll been old people cutting across into my lane with no indication and not giving way on a roundabout. I think its discracefull and then they want like another £100 when you add an induction kit!
go on any comparison site.
you get different prices for:
place of residence - fair play.
age - ?
marital status - ?
sex - being discussed now.
job - ?

? = why the hell has this not been discussed before?

You forgot
children under 16?
Which by all accounts has nothing to do with car insurance
Hmm its good that they are making women pay more now as my sister was dreafull when she passed her test and would panick at anything on the car.

It should be based on how good the driver is but the companies dont know that until you have been with 1 for more then a year and make no claims e.c.t

Ive been driving 7 years now and only been envolved in 1 accident and i claimed....But it wasnt my fault so there was no increase.

But i dont know wether its because im special or what as ive had 22 cars ranging from 998cc mini's to 5.0L v8 mustangs.....Ive had my own insurance from the age of 17 and its always been fully comp and then i only paid £900 a year then £600...£500...£400 and each year it dropped or stayed the same.....Even with my SR20DE PRIMERA I PAID £430 FULLY COMP WITH MODS and now its down to £338 fully comp with protected no claims bonus including my mods on my 1.3 K11.

I was told tho that insurance companies quote stupid prices to encourage young people to take out fully comp and then it goes down in price.......Wether or not this is true i dont know???

So as insurance goes ive always been happy :p:p(Y)(Y):blues::blues:

Peace out
Yeah I'm for and against this, I assume the only reason it's less for females is because statistcally, more claims are made by men. And as price for insurence goes by what categories you fall under, with sex and age being the easiest and most noticibale ways to devide, there's going to be alot of stereotyping.

So if there going to get rid of sex they should ideally get rid of the whole system and go by what car you drive and your driving experience.
To be fair though its swings and roundabouts. From seeing it daily on the roads (and i spend around 9 hours a day driving along streets, lanes and motorways as part of my job), for every 'boy racer, back-box warrior' acting the goat there is a woman peering nervously over the steering wheel of a 4.0 V8 2500kg Chelsea-tractor on the school run. No joke, i saw a lady (presumably in her late 30s) stopped on a roundabout giving way to cars coming onto it the other day!!? I'm yet to see a 'boy racer' doing that!

I think that 'laddish' confidence, angst and speeding is just as irresponsible as a an older driver (paying peanuts) lacking confidence, lane dicipline, indication use, etc etc.

I personally believe there's good and bad in both sexes and gender shouldn't even be asked when buying car insurance.
This is really sad…but some car insurance company offer good policies/schemes where you can even get good benefits and save money on insurance…spam removed
Why shouldn't drivers who are statistically a lower risk for insurace companies pay less for their insurance.

Women "might" be inclined to have more small bumps and scrapes than us, but gents we have to admit we are far more likely to be involved in the type of accident that lead to the big claims being made, which is why insurace for "young" men is always loaded.

Artificially increasing the price for women just so that superficially the premiums paid by men an women appears fair is the biggest load of ######## I've heard in ages. It's bound to increase my household outgoings each month and make me less well off.

you are focusing too much on one thing, its not like men are bad drivers and women are good, nothing is so black and white. for example, my mum might do 10 miles in a week, i was driving for work doing 1000 miles a week. who is more likely to have an accident? men generally drive more so are more likely to have an accident. also men are more likely to claim to get their car back. you have a scrape in a car park on your brand new Porsche, if it was a woman driving the car would always have that scrape, if it was a man he would get it fixed. women would usually buy a new car if theirs was destroyed, and it would be a cheap car. men have more expensive cars and try harder to keep them going.

so as you can see there are many factors that mean men claim more money from insurance, but when people just look at the numbers they assume its because men are worse drivers, when actually it could be the opposite.

statistics are a really bad way of showing things. they take something completely out of context and because they are just numbers people and assign what ever they want to them. for example, 85% of all crashes are caused by men (thats a random number btw) this obviously proves that men are dangerous in a car.... but actually regarding everything i said before it could be the total opposite.

another example, 50% of all crashes are caused by women, with men driving 900 more miles a week than women, that means that women cause more crashes because they spend less time on the road but crash just as often as men, again this is not true, but it shows that statistics can mean anything.