women again

lol at mike ;)

its a tricky one. this question is personal opinions.

if your both happy and want to continue for the moment and one of you have asked the other one "out" then shes your girlfriend.

if you think of her as just a friend and you dont want to go any further and your waiting to dump her, you just "seeing her" lol
i would advise you to steer clear of other girls while you are 'seeing' someone, imagine how it will be if you spend time with other girls and then it gets serious with the person you are seeing at the moment, you will have some serious talking to do and it might mess things up. if you think she is a potential girlfriend then stick with her, but if you are both just having fun and you cant see it going any further with this girl then do what you want, as long as she knows where she stands and doesnt think that you are serious. (my girlfriends advice, i also agree)
I don't belive in all the other terms, you are either with a girl or you aren't. If she says she's 'seeing you' you could take that any way you want. I say 'see' as many girls as you like, just stop when you're actually with a girl
Women leech off you then move on when they've got what they want. I've only ever met one girl who paid for everything, which was strange! Still, you've gotta 'see' them before it gets serious so just see how things go.

Avoid people if they're in relationships, even complicated ones. It's too much hassle, besides they're cheating on their partner to be with you, and if they can do it to them, they'l probably do it to you as well.
seeing some 1 is basicly same a going out with someone asin bf gf
only difference is your aloud to do things with other girls/boys its not much of a relationship
basically sha*ging partner

that what ive been told seeing someone is

but seems like theirs many different views off seeing someone
who cares?

if she is scared of commitment even right now when you are not even together then she can't blame you if you see other people.

people make relationships so much more complicated than they have to be, there is no grey area, you are either together or not, if you are in the middle its because someone is not sure because they don't know what they want. don't waste your time on people who don't know what they want, if they have an oppotunity right in front of them and don't bother to take it then thats their loss, there is no reason to put yourself through hell waiting for someone who doesn't give a crap.

if you think that, that sounds mean, and to treat people like that makes you an evil person, don't forget that if you are not the one that treats people like objects you will only end up being the one that is misstreated by everyone else. its the whole "nice guys finish last" thing, you try and be nice and trusting and people will take advantage of you, if you put your foot down from the very begining and don't take any crap then things can be more rewarding
there is no reason to put yourself through hell waiting for someone who doesn't give a crap.

Too true! I've wasted the last year on someone, who after a year of getting on great with her, she turns round and ignores me. Then says "my life's less complicated not talking to you!"

Really not worth the pain, trust me.
In my female opinion, 'seeing someone' is sleeping with them - whether you're close or not, and still being 'single' as such; bf/gf is actual couply stuff etc.

If that makes sense :D
Quite simply you both need to talk better imo. The fact your even asking here shows you possibly both of you have questions you need to ask each other open honestly and frankly about where your going. All you will get here is opinions. By talking to her and if she is capable (honest enough) then you will then get the facts.
Quite simply you both need to talk better imo. The fact your even asking here shows you possibly both of you have questions you need to ask each other open honestly and frankly about where your going. All you will get here is opinions. By talking to her and if she is capable (honest enough) then you will then get the facts.

gets my vote for the the most relivent answer, comunication is the key factor when dealing with other people no matter what the relationship. people are not mind readers and just because you know whats going on in your own head doesn't mean everyone else does. its scary how many people forget that.
Don't know whether you've made a decision on this but basically seeing someone = seeing whether it works out with them, but making other dates is also ok. Proper girlfriend = monogamy.
Most definitely. If she calls you her boyfriend, you are GOING OUT. You MAY NOT pass go. You MAY NOT collect £200. And you MAY NOT makes dates with other women. :grinning:
yeah I think I havent asked properly although other night she said what do you see me as then. I said GG and I think she replied cool.. lol.
Yeah i've heard that one before, usually means they've found someone else.. Her loss mate
Women leech off you then move on when they've got what they want. I've only ever met one girl who paid for everything, which was strange! Still, you've gotta 'see' them before it gets serious so just see how things go.

Avoid people if they're in relationships, even complicated ones. It's too much hassle, besides they're cheating on their partner to be with you, and if they can do it to them, they'l probably do it to you as well.

you sound like me! lol welcome to the gang!

Lifes short, move on, thats what i do ..

good advice!
Well Ive had enough now, she says she likes me but got a lot on atm, why shoould I hang about for her to string me along it might seem