Tar on body work

petrol would move it but not recommended as it will fade the paintwork
Have to agree with Ed, petrol is a last last last case option.

Try the Meguires Stuff or the Auto Glyms stuff. Most manufactures make tar removal products now days and the Halfords near me has a shelf dedicated to it.

cellulose thnners, white spirit, petrol (as said above, fades paint), penetrating oil (swifts liberty spray/wd40), tar remover. (dont recomend turtle wax if you ever wanna spray your car etc)

avoid ne thing with silicone in it.

yus fish eyes the paint work .

even if you clean it. because u cant see it. it sinks into paint so when u take the aint back it will still cause reaction.

AND it stays airbound. so whenever u have sprayed summit up. never then use it sumwere else near...