Superflux LED

Because he wasnt selling anything also, its not a general chat item! (It should be in ICE and electronics!!)
I've just moved this to ICE and Electrical as its not a general chat item. It more of a pointer to a product for people that are interested in ICE and Electronics.

FYI I contacted the guy who sells the, They are 100% are NOT the ones I use (although they are in the same packaging) they are made in China, but I do admit they are the only copies of the ones I use that I've ever seen. The specifications are different, the current requirments are different and the MTBF will most probably be different as well. however probaby worth a look just cause of price alone.

This is where I get any LED's that I need

I made this with some Ultrabright 22,000mcd white led's from there:

16-mikes light.jpg