

what is the going rate for selling them? i have 5 and they are sitting outside getting rusty and its a waste i want rid of them but i dont know if its worth selling them or just keeping them im going to keep 1 as a spare for my alloys but as im going to keep the car with the alloys for a few years i have no use for them.
What tread do the tyres have? It might be worth keeping them but thats just my opinion, esp. if they have average tread.

A scrappy might be able to demand a few bob but that doesnt mean you will get anything for them. I mean that in a nice way like. :upside:
keep them, ive been stuck in situations with my wheels and didnt have any to put back on mine so had to buy some more far ive owned 6 sets of alloys! they do come in handy! and you never know when you might need them. i.e if you need all 4tyres doing on your 15's, you get more than one alloy bent so its flat and un useable, carnt afford tyres for the 15's and the car needs an MOT?

they will come very usefull when needed ;)
i bought 2 for £10 from the scrappies about 6 months ago so theyre not worth anything now the price of scrap is right down, i have 4 sitting in my back also but they come in handy