someone just hit my car


Midlands Rep
police just been car been drove into by a kid on a ped. over the limit
what a ####er. he has no insurance ####ed :mad:
boot is totally crushed in....rear bumper has holes in...exhaust on the floor...the ped was in two pieces. i will put some pics up. im only insuired third party fire and theft so i cant claim. what do i do?
Beat the money outta the kid, it's what I'd do

Sounds like a plan. I nearly had the same experience today, 2 of them racing down the main road near my house, and they went up either side of me, litteraly moments befor i turnt left. So close. They just dont realise that they could lose their life at any moment. You might not give 2 poos but what happened to the kid? i mean for it to cause that much damage, must of been quiet an impact.
Bummer mate, still one less Ped on the road. Glad you are ok and I hope you're able to get your money back somehow.
pics of damage....bad quality but you get the idea



hmmm nice and straight


hole in bumper...scaratches everywer

well thats a fair gap?

dropped excessively
What camera have you got? It's terrible!

New boot & bumper, which aren't the most expensive of bits and she'l look ok. Any damage to the metal work inside the boot? Why is the exhaust hanging off? Is it just bent/damaged mounts?
it was a prize at a raffle dont dis lol....3.2 megapixels....the exhaust justs eem spushed down...not sure how to tell if its bent. metal work in boot seems fine
Only 25mph? I guess they don't build cars like they used to. I hit a deer doing 50 and there wasn't even a dent.

Check your exhaust manifold, the system may have been pushed forwards, snapping it somewhere.
If a bike did that imagine what a car would do? by the way knock on his door and make his dad pay up for every thing, its his responsibility to have taught those kids not to ride bikes recklessly!
lol i never thought a moped could do that much damage haha a guy down the shore where i stay last night hit a mate of his off his moped lol
lol hes shudnt need to ask his parents...and the bike was totally i get some laughs out of it
woah, thats harsh mate, i hope the kid on the moped dies! i hope you can get some money out of this guy, i am sure i have some spares kicking around that we can fix your car up with.